30 Most Influential People in Girls Empowerment

Women and girls make up half the world’s population. Yet, they often have less access to education, health, and economy as well as less opportunity to voice their opinions and take an active role in decision-making processes. Without tapping into the incredible potential women and girls offer, communities limit their ability to grow and progress.
Girls are vital to achieving the global goals for sustainable development. We simply cannot reach global goals without reaching girls. Empowering girls means strengthened economies, breaking the cycle of poverty around the world and healthier families.
With this landscape in mind, B2F Girls Worldwide sought to highlight 30 women who are actively engaging in the development and advocacy of young women and girls.
(Click on the image to enlarge with description)
30 Most Influential People in Girls Empowerment List 2016
1. Gloria Steinem; National Women's Political Caucus
2. Michelle Obama; United State of Women
3. Chelsea Clinton; No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project
4. Rachel Lloyd; Girls Educational and Mentoring Services
5. Natalie Madeira Cofield; Walker's Legacy
6. Amy Poehler; Smart Girls
7. Michelle Nunn; CARE
8. Malala Yousafzai; Malala Fund
9. Irina Bokova; UNESCO
10. Beverly Bond; Black Girls Rock!
11. Dr. Daphne McQuarter; I Am Her Voice
12. Dawn R. Smith; Cool Girls
13. NoNa Jones; PACE Center
14. Sheri Crawley; Pretty Brown Girl
15. Shekina Farr Moore; B2F Girls!
16. Andrea Gonzales & Sophie Houser; Tampon Run
17. Corynne Corbett; Beauty Biz Camp
18. Reshma Saujani; Girls Who Code
19. Tanika Gray Valbrun; White Dress Project
20. Radmilla Cody; "Strong Spirit: Life is Beautiful, Not Abusive" Campaign
21. Paula McDade; Captured and Crowned
22. Ari Squires; Elevate Her Girls Club
23. Dr. Lyn Mikel Brown; Hardy Girls Healthy Women
24. Ardre Orie; Consciously Beautiful
25. Dr. Carla Stokes; HOTGIRLS
26. Monique Coleman; UN Foundation GirlUp
27. Gabrielle Starr; Starrific Empowerment
28. Haley Kilpatrick; Girl Talk
29. Emma Mayerson; Alliance 4 Girls
30. Emily Greener & Alexis Jones; I Am That Girl
About B2F Girls

B2F Girls!™ is a girls empowerment incubator. The company offers CARBS™, an effective self-esteem course for girls; serves as a national certification and training resource for women who mentor girls; and produces national girls empowerment initiatives, campaigns and events. Those events include Tween Star Awards™, a national recognition platform for girls, The B2F Women's Retreat, AuthenticiTEA™, B2F Girls Roundtable, Kids Impacting Kids™ (KIK) Summit, FROGS™ (Fathers Raising Our Girls' Self-esteem) and the B2F Girls ZOOM™ Conference. Her campaigns include: Blah to Fierce™, Leaders Wear Pearls and Letters to Our Daughters. Learn more at www.b2fgirls.org.